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The Dirty House (The Miracle on 42nd Street)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cleaning supplies used so far....

3 hours today cleaning, washed all of the windows inside, at least downstairs, then I ran out of window cleaner....

Swept the front "porch", found an empty drink container tipped over the edge of the window behind the lovely wardrobe. Moved the wardrobe because it was blocking the window, then realized that the porch has such a tilt that the doors won't stay closed if it's not on a side wall...grrr...

Cleaned the front door inside and out. Looked at the basement stair wall...used remaining cleaner on that and barely made a dent in the layers of dirt.

12 latex gloves
10 rolls of paper towels
2 pairs of super rubber gloves
1 bottle of 409-Heavy Duty
1 bottle of Fantastic Cleaner-Antibacterial
1 bottle of Simple Green (donated by the PO, very generous but not quite powerful enough for this level of disgustingness)
1/2 box of TSP substitute

Tired, very tired of cleaning...


  • Cleaning Supplies update

    16 rolls of paper towels
    3 pairs of super rubber gloves
    2 bottle of 409-Heavy Duty
    1 bottle of Fantastic Cleaner-Antibacterial
    1/2 bottle of bleach
    3 sponges
    1 sponge on a stick gadget
    12 latex gloves
    1 bottle of Simple Green (donated by the PO, very generous but not quite powerful enough for this level of disgustingness)
    1/2 box of TSP substitute

    By Blogger Joe, at August 20, 2005 9:18 PM  

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