stairs, lights, doors, oh my...

We have stairs! Okay, we have exactly 3 stairs that don't scare me, but the rest are on the way this week. As these were covered with carpet upon purchase, we had no idea that nearly every one was cracked beneath. And yes, the nasty plywood at the top is now gone, in previous post.
Ugly ceiling fan in kitchen=gone
Ugly light fixture at the top of the stairs=gone
Most of the rooms don't have fixtures in their ceilings, so not many too replace thankfully. This project wasn't on the radar yet, but these were discontinued at the big hardware store so we couldn't pass up that deal. We have one more but not sure where it's going quite yet.

Bedroom projects...
Joe finished painting the bedroom, but decided to see what was under the painted closet doors. Never expected them to look like this. You can see the paint color a bit better in these photos, it changes a lot in the light and doesn't photograph well. The first photo shows it the best. If I could only hold the camera straight...

the ceiling lights and the doors look great!
we just tore the carpet up on our stairs and only 1 step is cracked. Did you find the lumber at Home Depot to replace it or some place like 84 lumber?
r, at September 12, 2005 8:20 AM
Thanks, it's really amazing! The treads seem to come into 2 sizes. The longer ones are oak, purchased at Home Depot. Lowe's seemed to only have 1 size in stock. The longer ones were $23. You don't want to buy pine as they won't last as long. We do have a carpenter who is selling us the shorter treads for the lower part of the staircase for $6.00 a piece, made from Maple. Those were at least $40 at Home Depot. But since you only need one you might as well go big box store. There's a 2 week lead time on carpentry orders. If you need any other wood pieces though, I can give you the address. He doesn't answer his phone because he can't hear it over the saw!
Joe, at September 12, 2005 5:13 PM
I't fun to see other couples and the similar "finds" they've encountered during remodeling projects. Thanks for sharing!
My husband and I just (Labor Day weekend) moved into our 2 1/2 year renovation project. A 1916 bungalow in Defiance, Ohio. This house was covered in panneling throughout the entire downstairs and upto the landing on the second floor. The house had be repossesed by the bank and the PO's did some damage to the (already sad looking) house before they left.
There are still some small details such as threshold pieces to put down and stairway trim to put back on. But other than that, we are pretty much done on the inside. Both the porchs are disasters, but at least the wait is over.
Now we get to start the renovation on the temporary house we were living in so we can sell it.
Eventually you will loose track of just how many pairs of rubber gloves, rags, sandpaper, dust masks, paint brushes and cans of stripper and stain you go through. We should have bought in bulk on everything!
Hey! I sold a heating vent just like the one you stripped on e-bay! I still have one without the flapper in it. I wanted to reuse them in the house, but my husband has selective hearing and put the new vents up off the floor.
Word of advice, take plenty of pictures, but if you have a digital camera, get them developed or save them to a cd. I saved all mine to my computer and it crashed, so I am missing a ton of the progress pictures.
Anonymous, at September 15, 2005 4:36 PM
That's probably a stellar idea. I figure I have some back up via the blog, but I've never been good at backing up my computers. I saved everything from grad school once a a disk in order to have my old hand me down PC wiped out and reinstalled. The disk was swiped to put some stuff on during the re-installation process and I lost EVERYTHING! I have paper copies of most, but not the same. I really, really need to back up my new computer, there are so many things I'd really hate to lose! Kim
Joe, at September 16, 2005 10:49 PM
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