Things under the floor...

Since Joe was feeling so adventuresome today, I asked that he explore the hole in the flooring of the second bedroom that we have yet to tackle. I pulled out an old Cheetos bag a few weeks ago and caught a glimpse of the debris in there, but the hole was too small to continue excavating. Joe pulled up the broken board and..

Batteries, toy cars, wheels from something, Pokemon trading cards, bandaid wrappers...all from this hole in the floor.

We can't figure out what the *$&%^ this is...

Unfortunately, no jewelry or cash. However, we did find pieces of the old bathroom wall down there with wallpaper intact. Very quaint little flower pattern.

I continued with the wallpaper removal project in the bathroom, saving the best for last-the area behind the old toliet. As I summoned the courage to reach back there (dousing the area with bleach hasn't seem to do a thing) I realized that the old leaky toliet had really damaged the wall. Joe decided that we would probably need to remove the whole wall. We had planned to expand the bathroom eventually, but it seems that the odor is not going away until the wall goes. That'll take 2 weeks;)

Cats with good taste....

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