I love the smell of burnt urine in the afternoon....

The bathroom project has begun. The old, scary toliet is now sitting on the tree lawn. Classy.
The smell in the bathroom is unbelievable, the tiles and subfloor are soaked with urine. We figured it had been soaked up into the drywall as well, so that's gone now, too.

Of course none of the bathroom fixtures have shut off valves, so he had to turn off the main water line. That still didn't stop the water completely, though, and the water started leaking again through the ceiling in the living room. Yes, the same one that was patched before we even bought the place! Evil toliet!!!!! Note that the water is to the left of the giant patched area! Yes, I asked to smile for the photo as he started removing the ceiling.

Joe started using a saw to remove the flooring and the smell became unbearable for me. The saw starting burning the urine soaked wood and I had to leave. I never knew that such a terrible odor was possible.
Afterward, Joe told me that there's now a hole from the bathroom through the living room ceiling....can't wait to see that!
You have my utmost respect in the ishy jobs you have taken on ;-) When you post the results of your projects, they always look amazing. I had a fair amount of cat pee in in my wood floors, when I moved in..so I can empathize on that horrible smell. Vinager helps, and lots of it. Good luck!
Have to chuckle on the ads that Google pulled to show on your site with this post :-)
StuccoHouse, at October 09, 2005 5:56 PM
Thanks, I can't wait to be able to walk in there and not smell anything funky!
Joe, at October 10, 2005 9:52 PM
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